God’s Promises Fulfilled, God’s Glory Revealed
The book of Joshua conveys a narrative of God’s faithfulness toward His people as He fulfills His promises and in so doing, reveals His glory, might and power. In the scope of redemptive history, the book of Joshua gives a glimpse of His final judgment as He destroys the inhabitants of the land. Although long-suffering in nature, the “iniquity of the Amorites” was complete (Genesis 15:16) and God poured upon them just judgment for their sin. Concurrently, God lavished His grace on Israel, the people whom He had, apart from their merit, set apart to be His own.
Bible Text: Joshua 24 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | Joshua's final plea to Israel describes what it means to serve the Lord in sincerity…
Bible Text: Joshua 23 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | Because the Lord is faithful to His covenant and to His people, Joshua exhorts Israel…
Bible Text: Joshua 22:5 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | Joshua's exhortation and blessing puts forth at least four imperatives for a continued walk the…
Bible Text: Joshua 10:40-11:8 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | God fights for His people and bestows mercy on the wicked.
Bible Text: Joshua 10:1-27 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | The world is under sin and its only remedy is the gospel. It opposes God…
Bible Text: Joshua 9 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | The foolishness of human wisdom is contrasted with Godly wisdom that stems from the Fear…
Bible Text: Joshua 8:30-35 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | Pure worship consists of worship in the right place, offering the right sacrifices and trusting…
Bible Text: Joshua 8 | Speaker: Matthew Lim | Series: The Book of Joshua | God's grace toward His people reminds them of His promises, guides them through life, provokes…