The primary way that pastors lead, equip, and serve the church is through their preaching and teaching. As pastors, our first desire is to be personally affected by the Word of God and to apply it to our own lives. We take very seriously our calling to “rightly divide” the Word of God and preach it in a way that is engaging, understandable, and practical for the benefit of the Church.
Jesus, True God and Eternal Life
A Study in the Book of First John
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. 1 John 5:19-21
The Apostle John’s first letter to the saints clarifies the difference between those who belong to God and those who belong to this world so that the we may have fellowship and joy in Christ. With the intent to assure the saints that we have a genuine faith, he points us to Jesus, and the set apart condition of all whose faith is placed in Him as the true God and giver of eternal life.
Job: Purpose For Living
Behold, I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him. But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.
God’s hand is not always clear on this side of eternity, and life’s circumstances often seem senseless and sometimes arbitrary. The Christian however, is called to look to God’s self-revelation, trusting Him as creator and sustainer of all things and to rest in the mediator, Jesus Christ to carry out the purposes of God to its fullest. In all things, we are God’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works”.
One Off Sermons
These are sermons that are not linked to any particular teaching series. They consist of assorted speakers including visiting pastors, missionaries and the elders of Calvary Baptist Church.
Advent 2022
Advent allow us to pause from the normal routines of our gatherings to consider the incarnation of our God and creator through the means of a mothers womb. The ramifications of this act allows for man’s union with Him through the forgiveness of sins and justification by faith.
This advent season will be a time of considering Jesus, as portrayed by each of the fours gospels.
Ruth, A Story of Redemption
You were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:18-19
Because God has, in Christ purchased for Himself a people for His own sake, redemption is at the heart of human history. The story of Ruth is the story of the normal everyday life of normal everyday people who experienced the remarkable provision of God’s redemption.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near. Revelation 1:3
We consider ourselves blessed to read together and to study God’s gracious revelation of Jesus Christ and of things to come. May we continue until He comes.
Anticipating the Resurrection
But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
Advent 2021
Advent allows us to pause from the normal routines of our gatherings to consider the incarnation of our God and creator through the means of a mothers womb. The ramifications of this act allows for man’s union with Him through the forgiveness of sins and justification by faith.
This advent season will be a time of considering Jesus, as portrayed by each of the four gospels.
God Meant It For Good
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. Genesis 50:20
The generations of Jacob centers around the God’s providence that led His people to Egypt where they grew into a mighty nation and were spared the influence of the wickedness in Canaan. This is a study of the providential hand of God that preserves His people.
Christ Has Been Raised
If Christ is risen, nothing else matters. And if Christ is not risen — nothing else matters.
— Jaroslav Pelikan
Second Corinthians
The call of God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ is a costly call. It is a call that stirs the hearts of men to either fall at the feet of Jesus or vigorously oppose Him. The call to gospel ministry therefore will often entails enduring hardships, affliction, opposition, persecution and sometimes physical death. The ministry of the gospel also includes the caring for and nurturing of the sheep, warning and protecting from wolves that may creep in. God’s call to gospel ministry is costly, and it is a call that is extended, not only to the specialists, but to each and every person who is called by His name.
What the Spirit Says to the Churches
The Spirit of the Lord speaks to the churches for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. This short study of the Revelation letters to the seven churches in Asia offer commendations and rebukes for the church as a whole.
Advent 2020
Andreas Köstenberger recently wrote, “A day as significant as Christmas warrants an Advent of four weeks of preparation and enjoyment. We will marvel for eternity over the coming of God himself to save his people from their sins, and Advent’s four weeks of awe are a good place to start.” Join us as we explore the aspects of our Lord’s incarnation and stand in awe of its wonder.
The Book of Joshua
The book of Joshua conveys a narrative of God’s faithfulness toward His people as He fulfills His promises and in so doing, reveals His glory, might and power. In the scope of redemptive history, the book of Joshua gives a glimpse of His final judgment as He destroys the inhabitants of the land. Although long-suffering in nature, the “iniquity of the Amorites” was complete (Genesis 15:16) and God poured upon them just judgment for their sin. Concurrently, God lavished His grace on Israel, the people whom He had, apart from their merit, set apart to be His own.
Looking to Christ
As we prepare to observe Jesus’ resurrection, let it be our hearts desire, as God’s people to observe it with great joy, and praise and much thanksgiving, and that in preparing our hearts we would rest in hope of the coming resurrection of the saints as set forth in Christ Jesus, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:20). Let us fix our sights on Christ and may He be our hope and our rest.
Why I Love the Church
The Church of Jesus Christ is unique from every other entity on the face of this earth. Unlike the organizations and social structures of humanity, the church is the living organism of God, the means He has chosen in this world to manifest and declare His glory through the gospel. The church is made up of men and women from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, called out from the world by God’s sovereign election to be His own and to bear witness to the testimony of His glory and grace.
Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her, setting the example for His followers to follow. This sacrificial love and ministry is best manifested and best carried out in the local setting of the saints gathering. To love the church is to love brothers and sisters in Christ, with whom we worship and serve and with whom we share our lives.
This short series explores the Scripture’s teachings and its application to real life for those who claim to love the church.
John 17
In His kindness, the Lord has given access to His communion with His Father just hours before His arrest and crucifixion. In so doing, we learn the things that are of great importance to Him. These matters include His desire that the Father and the Son be glorified, His disciples to be sanctified and His church to live in unity.
There is much that can be learned about a person when observing them in prayer. This short series observes Jesus, apart from the crowds, His disciples and the busyness of life. Here we observe Jesus alone with His Father, preparing for the storm of sins onslaught and the full weight of God’s wrath.