Boaz gives a glimpse of the qualifications and qualities of a redeemer, but there is a better than Boaz who serves to redeem His people to Himself.
The benefits of our redeemer is fully realized in our union with him.
The provisions for life and godliness under the Lord's wings.
The spiritual life of the believer places one in the way of God's providence and eternal significance.
God calls Ruth into covenant with Him.
The famine in Israel was indicative of the spiritual famine in the hearts of God's people. Seeking relief from sources other than the Lord led to death and dismay.
God's grace was first extended toward Ruth, after which His grace was extended through her for the sake of His people.
Naomi bears her soul to her daughters in law and to the ladies of her town, expressing her loss and despair. A bitterness of heart is the outcome of the…