All of Grace, by C. H. Spurgeon

C. H. Spurgeon’s subtitle for this book conveys its intended purpose: “An earnest word for those who are seeking salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ.” It was originally published in 1894, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon and republished in 2010 as one of the Moody Classics from Moody Publishers.
Mr. Spurgeon used little subtlety expressing his desire for his readers. He states in the opening chapter, “He who spoke and wrote this message will be greatly disappointed if it does not lead many to the Lord Jesus. It is sent forth in childlike dependence upon the power of God the Holy Spirt, to use it in the conversion of millions, if He so pleases.” One would assume this same approach permeated his life, ministry and preaching as well. It would be a mistake to believe this volume beneficial to the unregenerate alone. Its subject matter explores the glories of the gospel that will refresh the soul of every believer, no matter how long He has been in Christ. It is a must read for every Christian, and then to be read again through the course of life.
The first five chapters unfold the wonders of God’s provision for mankind to be justified by faith. To the reader who recognizes his vacant soul, Spurgeon begins, “This book does not come to make a demand upon you, but to bring you something. We are not going to talk about law and duty and punishment, but about love and goodness and forgiveness and mercy and eternal life.” He explains, “He [God] makes those just who are unjust, forgives those who deserve no favor. Did you think that salvation was for the good and that God’s grace was for the pure and holy who are free from sin?… all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, and, therefore, the Lord Jesus did not come into the world to look after goodness and righteousness with him, but to bestow them upon persons who have none of them.” From personal experience he states, “I came to understand that salvation was possible through vicarious sacrifice, and that provision had been made in the first constitution and arrangement of things for such a substitution.” “The Law of God was more vindicated by the death of Christ than it would have been had all transgressors been sent to hell.”
Beginning in chapter seven, the author addresses the whole of Christian living. He addresses the believer’s deliverance from sinning and the implications of living by grace through faith. Throughout, Mr. Spurgeon points the reader away from self to the person and work of our Savior, Jesus Christ. “Our life is found in ‘looking unto Jesus’ (Hebrews 12:2), not in looking to our own faith. By faith all things become possible to us, yet the power is not in the faith but in the God upon whom faith relies.” In these chapters, Spurgeon takes precious opportunity to explain the function of faith in the believer’s life explaining that “it enables a man both to live and to die without fear; it prepares both for action and for suffering. Hence, the Lord selects it as a most convenient medium for conveying grace to us and thereby securing us for glory.”
Finally, in the closing chapters, Spurgeon addresses the perseverance of the saints, assuring the believer that God’s work in justifying the saint by faith establishes the foundation upon which the Christian rests for his eternal destiny. “If you are indeed a believer,” he writes, “you are one with Jesus, and therefore you are secure… Christ and the believing sinner are in the same boat; unless Jesus sinks, the believer will never drown.”
C. H. Spurgeon’s book, “All of Grace,” is a wonderful document that shows the beauty and glory of God’s gospel in Christ Jesus. Every person seeking salvation and every person already redeemed should read it on a regular basis for the encouragement and assurance attained only through the rehearsal of the gospel.
The best retail price we found for “All of Grace,” by C. H. Spurgeon (Moody Publishers) is from Christian Book Distributers for $6.99. However, it is FREELY available in various forms from multiple online resources. Here are a few you might consider:, Christian Classics Ethereal Library and YouTube. You may also pick up a copy for purchase from our book shelf at Calvary.