The Lord calls the saints to alertness and anticipation of His promised return even as the world around them seem to fall apart.
The justice of God is demonstrated throughout the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This text gives five characteristics that help us better understand what God has revealed about it.
John sees the heavenly sanctuary of the tent of the testimony and seven angels dispatched having been given the bowls of God's wrath to be poured out on the earth.…
Missionary to Ghana, Andrew Johnson gives a brief update of his status as a missionary to the country of Ghana. In addition, Andrew presents the Person of the Son as…
Christ's resurrection allowed Christ to ascend to the Father, and there be our advocate and to intercede on our behalf before the throne of God. After Christ's resurrection and ascension,…
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
In the midst of succinct proclamations and activities is a message from God to the elect, comforting, encouraging and calling to patient endurance.