The new Jerusalem is adorned by twelve gates, on which the twelve names of the tribe of Israel is inscribed and has twelve foundations with the names of the twelve…
John sees a new heaven and a new earth coming down from above where God will dwell among men.
This chapter exposes the dreadfulness of the one seated upon the throne in judgment, the standard by which all of mankind will be judged and the second death that is…
The earthly reign of Christ, as a future event establishes Jesus' rule over all creation both heaven and earth.
The earthly reign of Christ, as a future event establishes Jesus' rule over all creation both heaven and earth.
The Lord returns in His glory with the armies of heaven to destroy His enemies and to establish His earthly Kingdom.
The scene changes in the first 10 verses in this chapter from the mourning on the earth to the rejoicing in heaven for the judgment and destruction of the great…
Knowing its vile nature, final nature and demise, God’s people are called to live apart from the course of this world in holiness.