In the this world of deception, governed by the chief liar, the church is set apart by the divine anointing of the Holy One who convicts and convinces the heart…
God anoints the believer by His Spirit to give the knowledge of the truth regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ.
It is incongruous for a Christian, united with Christ to love the world. The affections for the world is changed when the love of God is in him.
The Lord's affirmation of objective truths of His redemption in the heart of the saints assures that we belong to him.
Keeping God’s Commandments is relational, beginning with God, who turns our hearts toward Him.
A mark of one who is in fellowship with God has an awareness of sin, a conviction of sin and a confession of sin, with the assurance of the advocacy…
The Christian in fellowship with God walks in the light of revealed truth, pursuing holiness, all the while resting in the advocating work of Jesus Christ, who pleads the case…