putting names with faces
So we’re killing two birds with one stone this week. We are putting a name to a face of one of our church family, PLUS we are doing an update on one of the missionaries we support.

This is Andrew Johnson (as if you didn’t know). Andrew came to Hot Springs as a student at Cornerstone Bible Institute back in 2009. Andrew was privileged to be reared in a home that loved Jesus. The Lord kindly brought him to faith in Christ when he was 5 or 6 years old. He affirms His faith to rest in Jesus alone for his standing before God.
After graduation in 2012, Andrew remained in Hot Springs for about 2 years, faithfully attending and serving at Calvary, primarily with Trek (Youth Group) and the Adult Sunday School class.
In 2014, Andrew began pursuing aviation training with missions in mind. Attending the School of Missionary Aviation Technologies in Ionia, Michigan, he completed his first step in preparation and shortly after, joined the Association of Baptists for Worldwide Evangelism (ABWE) in 2017. He partnered with missionaries to Ghana, Joseph and Janelle Gelatt.
Having returned back home in April 2020, from a year spent in Ghana, Andrew is preparing to leave again this fall to continue his aviation training at Kingdom Air Corps (KAC) near Wasilla, Alaska. There, he will obtain both his private and commercial pilots license. Flying at KAC will allow him to learn the specifics of being a bush pilot, preparing him for future ministry in Ghana.
Please pray for Andrew in these specific ways:
- His Pre-field ministry (raising support). Pray that God would continue to provide gospel partners to support the work in Ghana.
- His Aviation Training. All of the details are still not ironed out. Pray for a profitable time with Kingdom Air Corps.
- Pray for safe and peaceful travel as he drives around to multiples states and churches.