putting names to faces…
Laurent, Amanda and their son Sammy moved to the Black Hills from Maryland in July of 2020. God’s grace provided for Laurent to continue his employment, working remotely from South Dakota. Amanda keeps herself busy managing the World Fossil Finder Museum here in Hot Springs (owned by her mother and stepfather, Frank & Debby Garcia)… and caring for the new farm animals they keep acquiring.

Laurent grew up in a Catholic home, but by the time he graduated from college, he became a full blown atheist. He joined the U. S. Navy with a disdain for christianity and openly mocked those who believed in a real God. But through the faithful testimony of a commanding officer, Laurent began to question what he so adamantly resisted, the existence of God. One night, he recalls crying out to God that if He was real, He would show Himself. God moved upon Laurent that night in such a way that he immediately sought a church to learn how He might know this God. By God’s providence, he learned about his sin and the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse him and to redeem him for God. Laurent gives thanks that God has made a way for man to know him and that by faith, he has been saved from the penalty of sin.
Amanda pursued a relationship with the Lord at a young age. Although she did not understand the gravity of her sin, she placed her faith in Christ Jesus for eternal life. Amanda spent her childhood and young adult life learning and growing in church. After leaving home however, Amanda pursued a life serving her own self, leading her into sin and forsaking what she knew to be true. But God, who is rich in mercy brought Amanda to the end of herself, and by the convicting work of God’s Spirit through His Word she was brought to repentance. Learning and seeing what true salvation is and what it looks like, Amanda now sees that our Father’s hand was upon upon her all along. God’s faithfulness continues to work in her life as she grows in His Word and walks in His ways.
Laurent and Amanda will be introduced to the church and welcomed into the membership of Calvary Baptist Church. We thank the Lord for the Felizardo family.