I must confess! The many texts, posts and emails rejoicing in the resurrection of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ is a joy to read. I’m thankful for a circle of family and friends who love Jesus. I’m thankful to live in a nation where it is to many who do not believe, still tolerable to hear the name of Jesus. I’m thankful for the reality of His resurrection and to ponder from the scriptures it’s far reaching ramifications. I’m thankful for Jesus! But again, I must confess that today, more than ever, I miss my church family. When I consider that Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for her, it seems out of step not to be gathering with her in our local setting. Although I am extremely grateful for the technology that allows us to connect digitally, there is nothing like the sweet fellowship experienced in the gathering of the saints. Even with all of her flaws, and there are many, the company of the redeemed is the sweetest company to be a part of in all the earth.
Our precious and glorious Savior is risen and has secured a place for His own. One day we, from every tongue, every nation, every people group will gather together as His bride, and together we will rejoice because where Jesus is, we will be also. Soli Deo Gloria!
Rejoice in the Lord Calvary Hot Springs!