putting names to faces

Here’s a new couple that perhaps you haven’t met. This is John and Nancy Lamb. John is a retired master electrician who worked in Purdah Bay Alaska for several years. Nancy is the Athletic Director’s Secretary at the Hot Springs School District. John and Nancy have three sons and six grandsons. Their son’s names are John, Scott and Michael the youngest, was adopted from a Russian orphanage.
Both are accustomed to serving in the church. In their previous church John took care of electrical troubleshooting and repairs as well as served on the security team. Nancy extended hospitality as a greeter, which she does currently here at Calvary. We’re looking for loose wires for John to repair. 🙂 John is originally from central Illinois and Nancy from Sheridan Wyoming.
Nancy has been actively involved in Precept Ministries (precept.org), setting up Precepts Bible training for leaders and served as a substitute leader for seven years in Sheridan.
Both John and Nancy came to faith in Christ later in life. Nancy grew up in the Catholic church with traditions and rituals. John had no prior church background. The Lord brought a friend into Nancy’s life who explained the gospel, taking her through the Bible from the fall of Adam to the cross of Christ where Jesus bore her sins, was buried and is alive. Coming to understand who Jesus is, she accepted Him as Savior and was forgiven of her sin by His mercy and healing grace. John came to Christ listening to a Pastor preach on creation and science and how science validates the Bible. One of their favorite bible verses is Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
John and Nancy visited a few churches, taking their time to decide on a church home. When they came to Calvary last November they decided Calvary was to be their home church where Jesus Christ is exalted and worshiped, truth is proclaimed and the Word of God is taught and preached. Of the church, John MaCarthur states, “We are spiritually connected and designed for shared life, shared love, shared purpose, shared ministry, shared truth, shared power and we share His life.”