putting names to faces…

Matt Tramp has been a part of the Hot Springs community since 2007, when he came fresh out of high school at 17 years old to attend Cornerstone Bible Institute. It was there that he met his wife, Liz. After graduating from CBI, Matt served as a short-term ministry intern at Calvary before pursuing a vocation in law enforcement. He has served as a law enforcement officer for the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, a police officer for the city of Hot Springs and is currently a Custer County Sheriff’s Deputy. His primary role as a Sheriff’s Deputy is a School Resource Officer in the Custer School District.
Matt and Liz married in 2014 and have three children: Amos, who is 4 years old, and Shiloh, who is 5 months old and an 11 month old foster son whom they have had the opportunity to love for the past 10 months.
The Lord has blessed Matt with a wonderful team of two other families with whom he leads our Jr. High School/Sr. High School ministry, TREK. They have, and continue to faithfully and effectively minister to our young people through our current pandemic. We thank the Lord for the impact they are making in our church and in our community.
The Lord brought Matt to a saving knowledge of and faith in Christ in his early grade school years. While growing up in a family who love Jesus and are active in church, Matt heard the Gospel regularly. He professed faith in Christ for his salvation when he was 6 or 7 years old. Once in high school, God, in His sovereignty, used a series of events to solidify the truths from God’s Word that Matt had been taught and professed to believe for years.
Matt’s eternal security rests in the fact that Jesus came to earth as our perfect substitute. He lived the perfect life that is impossible for Matt to live and died the death that Matt has earned and deserves. Because of the richness of God’s mercy, we, the beloved of God, are sealed to an inheritance and salvation that is only available through the Way, Jesus. (Ephesians 2:1-10)
As a side note, Matt’s parents, Jarrad and Cheryl Tramp, and his brother, Joel Tramp, are moving to South Dakota right now, and will be here July 26th Lord willing.