A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.
Seeing the world and yourself through the lens of God’s mercy provides the liberty to be merciful to your enemies.
Because a disciple of Jesus has been set apart to God from this world, he is a sojourner whose life reflects His Savior, loving His enemies, and being kind to…
The blessed of God are those who have been united with Christ, living in this world as pilgrims and sojourners governed by the paradoxical ways of God’s kingdom.
The old is good. Jesus doesn’t call you to a system, He calls you to Himself… He is enough.
Jesus came to save those who can't save themselves.
The Son of Man has the authority to forgive sins and is the remedy for the woes of this fallen world.
By faith in Jesus, man is forgiven and delivered from sin, called to be God’s own, lives in the joy of His presence, and rests in the sustaining grace of…