Seeing the world and yourself through the lens of God’s mercy provides the liberty to be merciful to your enemies.
Because a disciple of Jesus has been set apart to God from this world, he is a sojourner whose life reflects His Savior, loving His enemies, and being kind to…
In this portion of the chapter, we meet the false prophet who deceives the world with signs and wonders, leading them to worship the anti-Christ and the dragon.
This morning we discuss God's Wrath Considered, God's Wrath Outpoured and God's Wrath Divides.
God’s seal is sure in the care of His people, His mercy is abundant toward those He brings to repentance and His judgment is fixed and final toward the wicked.
God finds pleasure in the prayer of all saints and gives a just response.
The seal of the living God ensures the believer's purpose in this world and His glorious salvation to God's Glory.
In the midst of God's righteous judgment of the nations, He extends mercy that the wicked may be saved and grace that His people may endure.