The only way to truly understand our lives in general, and our circumstances in particular is to begin with a right view of God. It is only through this lens…
The spiritual life of the believer places one in the way of God's providence and eternal significance.
Naomi bears her soul to her daughters in law and to the ladies of her town, expressing her loss and despair. A bitterness of heart is the outcome of the…
When God’s people embrace the divine providence of God, His grace can be fully experienced and enjoyed, righteousness will be displayed to the world around us and hope will secure…
God's grace in Joshua's life allowed him to approach the end of life well. Getting a glimpse of God's promises being fulfilled in his heritage reminded him of God's promises…
Our passage unfolds the continuing providence of God in the care of His people through their union with Joseph.
Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and conveys five truths regarding God's providence over creation.